whmcs, billing system for ispconfig 3

Discussion in 'General' started by dxr, Oct 26, 2009.

  1. outeredge

    outeredge New Member

    Hi Horfic,

    We've been meaning to work on creating a module for WHMCS as we've made a few others for WHMCS in the past but just haven't had the time recently.

    Here's the WHMCS module dev kit.

    We'd be happy to work in collaboration to release the module, if you can help with the basics of the initial connection and API calls with ISPConfig we can finish off and tidy the module for release.




    Attached Files:

  2. Germanius

    Germanius Member

    I already did the module and I will publish further information in the next days.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2011
  3. outeredge

    outeredge New Member

    Hi Germanius,

    That's great news, will you be releasing the module open-source and do you need any help bug testing, etc?


  4. itanium

    itanium Member


    If you need some help or bug testing, i can help you. I have already a small module (some bugs :( ) with create / remove customer but i have some problem with the multiserver environnement.

    I think it will be good to have for example:

    web server
    mail server
    sql server

    And when you "create" the account from whmcs the module put the good server for all services.

    Thanks :)
  5. Germanius

    Germanius Member

    I dont think it will be opensource, because it took me many hours to build it. But dont worry, I'm thinking about a small one-time fee. In this case all further updates will be free. And I think there will be a lot of updates, because Ispconfig always change something with new realeases. So I always will edit/extend the module.

    Here is a list of the features which are already working:
    - Automatic client creation
    o Clients are created with ISPC3 client templates. You can set different options for every hosting package
    o All client features/options are supported
    o Client details, which are transferred to ISPC3: Company name, First name, Last name, E-Mail Address, Postal code, City, State, Username, Password, Country, Language, Theme
    - Automatic website creation (off/on)
    o Readonly (client can’t change website settings) (off/on)
    o ISPC3 domaintool: Automatic domain creation (off/on)
    o All website features/options are supported and can be set for every hosting package (such as Ruby, SSI, SSL, … everything)
    - Termination of accounts
    o Delete the client and all services (such as websites, FTP accounts, mail features, … everything)
    o Delete ISPC3 domaintool domains (off/on)
    - Suspend accounts
    o All websites are turned to inactive
    - Unsuspend accounts
    o All websites are turned to active
    - Password changing
    o Client and admin can change ISPC3 passwords
    - Displaying login link
    o ISPC3 login link in the admin area
    Off/on means that you can choose if you want to turn it off or on.
    I already wrote documentation/manual/tipps, that will be included, too.

    Of course multiserver setup is working, too. You can set up the serverparams for every hosting package differently.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2011
  6. itanium

    itanium Member

    Thank's for the list :)

    Did you have an idea on price /date?
  7. Germanius

    Germanius Member

    I thought about something between 25 and 35 EUR. May be 30 EUR including all further updates, possible bug changes and manual. What do you think? :)
  8. itanium

    itanium Member

    30 EUR with "further updates, possible bug changes and manual" can be a good price. Tell me if you need some help or beta test :)
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2011
  9. Germanius

    Germanius Member

    Okay, I will release it in the next three days.
    Tomorrow I need ONE tester who doesn't use the domaintool function in ISPC3. Write me a PM please.
  10. Germanius

    Germanius Member

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