Whole server went down

Discussion in 'General' started by wxman, Nov 17, 2009.

  1. wxman

    wxman New Member

    I haven't had the problem since I adjusted quite a few apache, PHP, and mysql settings. I also installed APC (Alternative PHP Cache), which seems to have helped quite a bit.
  2. sajo

    sajo New Member

    Thanks for respond.
  3. wxman

    wxman New Member

    If it might help I would be happy to let you know what settings I'm using now. Of course it depends on what you have for a system.
  4. sajo

    sajo New Member

    thanks for help, I found problem... it was two guestbooks that wasnt secure, so heckers was abusing them, I delete those and now I am back on normal. I also make some modifications to mysql and install monit and munin those are great.

    Thanks again
  5. Ovidiu

    Ovidiu Active Member

    any hints on how to best do this via the command line?
  6. skuli434

    skuli434 New Member

    Hello sajo,
    what are your guestbooks that you have deleted, i have the same problem.

    appreciate if you could help

    thank you

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