winXP + FC4 + Ubuntu

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by mycore, Apr 6, 2006.

  1. mycore

    mycore New Member

    I have a laptop installed with Xp & have been breaking my head over the best way to install FC4 and Ubuntu.
    I want to install as many linux distros as possible and learn a bit, while keeping my winXp safe n sound.
    Could anyone give me a few steps they wud take to eliminate sweat n pain while doing this ?
    I have been reading many different methods online, such as, create a separate small (100MB) /boot partition for the intermediate *nix OS and install the final one in the MBR or copy the boot sectors onto the boot.ini in winXp.
    I really wud love to spend time learning from u guys & on my own but not formatting n reformatting the same 80GB hard disk a million times.
    Assume data's been backed up n u have got a max of 30GB to play arnd with *nixes and the rest of 76GB goes to Xp.
    What wud be the best way to go to install more than 2 OSes (*nixes) with Xp pre installed. ?
    Thanks to anyone tht comes fwd with his/her two-pence,(only abt the question above;-)
  2. JohnS

    JohnS New Member

  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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