Hi i have 120GB bandwidth per month and i have some website that doesn't have lot visitors but my bandwidth finish and it's strange also i have installed vnstat and i get this for only one day: but i think ispconfig doesn't show correct bandwidth for websites: it shows total 1655 MB that is wrong absolutely my total transfer was 908 MB for a few hours but how does it possible total transfer of websites from setup ispconfig be 1656 MB and it doesn't reset bandwidth per month? so how can i see real bandwidth of each website? and it seems it doesn't block website when use more than limit
Mail server has separate server also database has separate server and i didn't any update is there any module for apache to calculate all bandwidth and it be online? for example if i download 10MB from my website it doesn't show in ispconfig
vnstats shows you counters on your network interface, which as Florian indicated may very well not be website traffic, and hence would not show on your web server/websites stats. 2/3 of your 908MiB was RX, ie. received by your server, which could be it downloading something (eg. OS updates), receiving unwanted traffic (eg. ping flood), or it could simply reside on a chatty shared network. To identify the traffic, if you have an ip firewall in place you might be able to get a little more info from your counters (iptables -L -n -v) and/or logs; or you could install tools to monitor it (google will find more, but a quick search shows: http://www.slashroot.in/find-network-traffic-and-bandwidth-usage-process-linux).