Hi guys, I am wondering what you will advise. I want to have at least ubuntu, Debian, kali, and fedora on one machine. if possible, I wish they can all share the common user and admin files/folders. what will be the best way to go? a Xen hypervisor, XenServer hypervisor, or multiple installs and boot with grub?
I think that could be possible, if they are in different partition(s), at least for the first three OS, which are from the same (Debian) origin, by separating them in their own virtual machine. I don't know about other hypervisor you mentioned, as I've never experienced them, but I am using proxmox in a physical machine (server) to create virtual machines, which could make such things possible.
Ahrasis, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I had considered proxmox when I was diving into hypervisors but I passed on and focused on xen and XenServer, then I realized XenServer is now a paid thing with a name change by Citrix so I pulled the breaks. Your mentioning proxmox has taken me back to look at it.
I think they may still have the free version (7.6) though may not be the latest version (8.2) and you might need to register before you can see the download link.
I agree that Xen is no longer a choice I would use today. Better use one of the native Linux hypervisors, either KVM (full virtualization) or LXC (Containers). Proxmox is just a GUI to LXC or KVM. There are other GUIs as well. If this is a server, then proxmox is probably a good choice. If it's a desktop, you might look for a desktop GUI alternatively. For Desktop use, there is even one more choice that is not KVM or LXC based. It's https://www.virtualbox.org/, a product similar to the VMWare desktop products but available free of charge. Virtualbox supports shared folders as well and also clipboard sharing and drag&drop between host and vm.
Depending on your usecase, you might want to check out DistroBox https://github.com/89luca89/distrobox If you're looking for something like Xen there is https://xcp-ng.org/