YUM and RPM gone?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Niekoesj, Oct 5, 2007.

  1. Niekoesj

    Niekoesj New Member

    Ehm... i made a stupid stupid mistake.. :confused:
    I just removed yum and rpm from my server.. :(

    I know there is a way to "compile" rpm from rpm.org (i still got wget and the buidling tools)

    Who can help me? i need yum OR rpm, if i got yum can install RPM
    and if i got RPM i can install YUM ;)
    I use Fedora Core 6.

    Muccias Grazzias! Greeting, Niekoesj :)
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You could try to boot in the FC 6 rescue system if you still have the FC 6 CDs, then mount your HDD, chroot to your / partition on the HDD, and then try to install rpm with yum (yum should be available in the rescue system).

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