zen.spamhaus warnings in logs: RBL lookup error: Host or domain name not found

Discussion in 'General' started by patopattone, Jul 18, 2018.

  1. patopattone

    patopattone New Member

    Hi everyone.
    First of all I've to say that english is not my native language... so, sorry if I make a writing mistake
    I have a Server that I'd originally setup with this guide: https://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-debian-squeeze-with-bind-and-dovecot-ispconfig-3. And was running since 2012 with the same software until 2 weeks ago that I decided to update it. The server was a kind of hobby project and I have a few sites in there with mails (from friends). I've already update to Debian 8, ISPConfig Version: 3.1.12. I could not update to debian 9 yet beause of a roundcube error during the update (I've test the updates in a XenServer VM) But this is not the problem for now; I will keep testing the update process until it work.
    My server is running fine and all services are working; The websites are working, I can send an receive mails from all domains (about 10 domains) But in my logs I've a lot of warnings of this kind:
    postfix/smtpd[27939]: warning: RBL lookup error: Host or domain name not found. Name service error for name= type=A: Host not found, try again
    Any idea of the root of the problem??
    Thanks in advance
  2. ztk.me

    ztk.me Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    yeah ..... use some other service or pay for your usage, either it's an issue or it's wanted behaviour.
    I do use caching dns on all servers to reduce my usages for external resources ... but removed zen for the exact same reason a while ago.
  3. patopattone

    patopattone New Member

    Thanks ztk.me for your kick response. Sorry for my newbie answers, I'm not an advanced user. I didn't know that was a paid service!! How I disable it and setup another service?? is there a free alternative?? I have only one server that run all service (dns, mail, web, database, etc) Do you recommend that I've to setup it as caching dns??
    Thanks again!!
  4. ztk.me

    ztk.me Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    it's paid but it also has fair use free usage, worked great in the past, only few major mistakes ;)
    I haven't checked what's exactly wrong with them ... you can keep them, emails are not blocked, it's more a hint.
    anyways, some others are:
    dnsbl.inps.de, truncate.gbudb.net, bl.mailspike.net,

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